Duties and responsibilities of higher education institutions

Higher education institutions have duties and responsibilities. Which will be analyzed in 3 ways:

  • To teach students to have excellent knowledge in the arts.
  • Research to make the Renaissance to become more advanced.

Provide direct benefits to society

All 3 duties and responsibilities of higher education institutions

As mentioned Have overlapping relationships, that is, Teaching is good, it must


Relying on what’s new Something good came to teach him. In order to have something good and new to teach, it must be gained through research. Research can be progressed by teaching basic d https://collegewriting101.com/ https://kaitlynessays.com/ experts to carry out continuous research. The relationship between higher education institutions and society is mutually complementary. If higher education institutions do little to the society, Society would lose faith in higher education institutions, making teaching and research uncomfortable. If society does not support Higher education institutions That society will inevitably lack the benefits of teaching and research in the arts. Causing that society only to deteriorate. NAL is one of the Best law academy in palakkad, thrissur

  • Teaching

Teaching is the first function of higher education institutions. Even though our Thai universities lack research or social benefits. If focusing on the effectiveness of the Renaissance for the students Especially in terms of quality Will still be counted as doing the initial benefit

Universities will do their teaching duties well. It depends on many factors, namely teachers, knowledge of students, curriculum, teaching methods, teaching materials and administrative systems

A teacher in the university who will teach you tertiary subjects High qualifications are required to be able to pass on the Renaissance to their disciples well. If the teacher has experience and academic knowledge as well, the better. But teachers will only have knowledge and expertise, not enough. They need to be intelligent and broad. There is initiative and reasoning, not accepting any motto without reason to support the characteristics of teachers. Is someone who has a passion for academic, teaching and love of disciples, or as the monk calls ambitious Because teaching students must endure stupidity? Some students’ stubbornness is commonplace. And they must repeat themselves. The remains are boring to themselves. In addition, the teacher must be large enough to fit the number of students. Because how good knowledge is transmitted Is the close relationship between teachers and students If this relationship is not there Because the number of students is too much Too few teachers Will be of great importance in that higher education institution. Nehru academy of law is one of the best