Comprehensive Insights: What Are the Types and Roles of an Accounting Firm?

They can also assist in completing the required federal paperwork for onboarding employees and independent contractors, ensuring the company can issue year-end payment documents.

  1. Tax preparation and planning

Accounting firms prepare corporate tax returns and year-end business documents e and delegate authority to represent clients in ATO (the Australian Taxation Office), information requests, or audits. They also help identify the best tax scenarios for businesses and help create entities that make the most tax sense.

Accounting firms can assist in estate planning requirements and develop the right mix of business entity creation and family trust establishment. They collaborate with estate planning attorneys, financial planners, and insurance agents to develop long-term strategies for business transfers and estate tax mitigation. They also help identify specific estate planning requirements for businesses and their key owners.

  1. Business Growth and Valuation

Accounting firms are crucial for companies to create valuation reports, obtain audits, and obtain financing for loans or funding. They use the previous year’s revenues, book of business, and growth patterns to determine a reasonable value for a company. They also provide pro forma financial statements and projections to new businesses, used to secure initial funding or expand a business. These calculations are based on industry data and existing company financial history.


What are the different types of accounting firms?

Accounting firms are essential for businesses in Australia to handle critical financial tasks, adhering to ASIC and GAAP accounting rules. They audit financial statements and provide taxation, management consulting, mergers and acquisitions, and forensic accounting. The required firms